Monday, 19 October 2020

Factory Reset A Citaq H10

 So, I had one of these Citaq H10 EPOS Machines...

Unfortunately it was locked and stuck with the 'Just Eat' POS software.
This machine runs android and on taking the back off there is a button marked 'recover'.  Pressing this and resetting the unit gets the usual android recovery menu, but the unit has no volume up / down buttons to navigate the menu.

The processor inside the unit is a Rockchip RK3368.  On their website is an example circuit of how to use this chip.  It is very similar to the EPOS unit!
This bit...
...shows the recover button is read by an A/D converter and checking the linux device tree file (from the github repository for the RK3368 evaluation board) we find ADC values corresponding to the different buttons which can be on this pin....

Volume Up - 1
Volume Down - 170
Menu Key - 355
Home key - 746
Back key - 560
Camera key - 450

So I tacked wire across the recover switch which led to the outside of the unit...

The voltage across these wires measures 1.8V and is pulled up via a 10K resistor, like the schematic shows.
The ADC inside this chip is 10 bits so to get a value of 170 (Volume down) I need a resistor to pull the ADC pin down to 0.3V ( ((1.8V / 1023) * 170) = 0.299V )

A 2k resistor will do this, so booting into the recovery menu and using the 2k resistor to move the menu down to 'factory reset' and then selecting, does a factory reset :)

After rebooting, the unit boots into android with no Just Eat !

After installing YouTube from the Play Store...

I don't know if there was a software way of doing this, but now I can add volume buttons to the EPOS unit.  I can't get the printer to work yet, since it is a serial printer and doesn't expose its self to the android OS as a printer.


gary f from rotherham said...

if you just press the reset button and then let go and before the blue light comes on at the front press the other button at the side of it and keep it pressed until you see the bootloader screen, you must be quick as it is quick at restarting after you press the reset, and the micro usb port at the side of the buttons is for programming from your pc with ADB mode.

Richard kendal London said...

Thanks guys this was a really helpful post

I've just bought one off ebay and want to try it with my own apks for POS and printing to see which apk works best with their print driver

Richard kendal London said...

gary f - where is the RESET BUTTON?

Richard kendal London said...

AHH did it - Attach Mouse
Go To Just Eat WiFi Settings - Go To Top Right Add Network
It Will then try to load their Mobile Control App
Go To Bottom left the Return Curly Arrow
keep hitting it until iy takes you to the normal start page
Go to Settings > Apps
Uninstall all Just Eat Apps - there are about 4
Then Go to do reset
:) :)

Davide Einstein said...

Salve sapete dirmi,se è possibile usare l'apparecchio , anche con dispositivi esterni!? Tipo vorrei stampare ricevute sumup , potrei farlo? Non riesco ad attivare il bluetooth , mi sapete dire come posso fare? Mi chiede password amministratore Just eat, non saprei cosa mettere, sApeye aiutarmi?

sdylan said...

I will pay someone to reset this thing

sdylan said...

I will pay someone to reset this thing

sdylan said...

I will pay someone to reset this thing

sdylan said...

I will pay someone to reset this thing

sdylan said...

Can you help me reset mine please I’ve been trying for ages

sdylan said...

Can you help me reset mine please I’ve been trying for ages

sdylan said...

Can you help me reset mine please I’ve been trying for ages

sdylan said...

Can you help me reset mine please I’ve been trying for ages

new2this said...

I just bought a POS system and was wondering if you could help lock it, and also set it up so I can print receipts off the websites and apps

Unknown said...

Solo tienes que conectar un teclado, sacar la tapa trasera dónde están los botones, encender totalmente y darle al reset y a continuación pulsar el de restore continuamente hasta entrar en el menú de boot y después dar a fabric wipe y finalmente reload y ya está.

CentralHeat said...
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Febles said...

Did some of you do the serial printer work?

Unknown said...

Did anyone ever get the printer working? i know theres the printerproxy app but their websites gone offline and the contact num dont work anymore either so can't even purchase that

gary f from rotherham said...

i don`t think any body did get the printer working, i quit with mine as it is only android 5 and cannot do nowt with apart from play music or play films and some!! apps from play store

Unknown said...

Fair enough, im just gonna use it as an offline pos system in shop basically so would have been ideal to get printer working for receipts but guess i can always attach a thermal usb or bluetooth printer anyway, cheers man

MCSstrike said...

Hi, this tutorial workes for me to turn the volume down although I am not entirely sure how u calculated the values for resistance.
What would the resistance be for menu home and back be?


HairyLee said...

Home needs 1.32V ((1.8 / 1023) * 746 = 1.32)
Calculate current through 10k pull up, ((1.8 - 1.32) / 10000) = xA
Ignoring current going into ADC pin we can work out the pull down value...
1.32 / xA = 27.5k

Similarly for Back button, 12k

MCSstrike said...
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MCSstrike said...

Thought I would put this here

If you unzip the .rar file you need to go into the file \CitaqFactory\bin then the CitrqFactory.apk is in there.

It includes an app that allows you to test all of the functions of the Citaq H10 also allowing you to upload any jpg and text to print although make sure to convert your pictures to monochrome otherwise they come out a black block!

(sorry the link is a direct download as I lost the place I actually got it from and I deleted the last comment because I missed a bit out) :)

Unknown said...

Add a wireless keyboard. Attach the usb receiver to the side usb. Press recovery button and when you are in recovery, the keyboard up down arrow works. Worked withlogitech k400+ keyboard. Restored to factory default.

gary f from rotherham said...

it is just a shame we cannot update the software on them as they are only android 5 but they are ok for kids games from playstore

Unknown said...

If some one can help me reset these devices, I'd be happy to pay for their time

Contact me 07792217000

Unknown said...

07782217000 is the correct number

Unknown said...

Alguien sabe si con teclado no inalámbrico lo detectaría?

MCSstrike said...

A normal wired keyboard should work in the same way too

Using google translate:
Un teclado con cable normal también debería funcionar de la misma manera


Thnak you for the info, the factory reset worked as a charm.


How it can be possible to use it as printer for sumup as example?

MCSstrike said...

Yes, it is if you make an android app to connect to the built-in printer which is what I have been trying to do although I haven't developed android before so it is slow going. Soon I will set up a google drive with some helpful resources in it.

Unknown said...

Ciao se sei interessato contattami

Unknown said...


caveman said...

OK ive done this (after dismatleing it tring to find the reset button) and its a lot easier than every ones saying (2 min job), the instuctions are very vauge above and you dont need to solder anything. you will need
1 usb mouse
1 posi screwdriver
1 finger

open the screen as if your replacing printer paper, on the backside of the screen is a rubber cover for simcard and memory card uncrew this, you will find 2 push buttons one marked reset.
plug in mouse then hold down the OTHER button then press reset btton once keep other button held down this should reset the unit into recovery release other button when its onscreen. it is true there is no volume button to use to go up down on the menu but if you move the mouse you have plugged in up and down the menu selection will go up and down( this is EXTREMELY sensitive so just move mouse very slowly) to sellect option press OTHER button once
select factory reset
select yes once this has been done reset unit and it will have blank android no just eat.
FYI you may want a usb keyboard at this point as my unit didnt want to show me the onscreen keyboard automaticaly

Hilbi@ne said...
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Hilbi@ne said...

You only need to connect a keyboard to the USB port,(wired or wireless).
Start the H10 and press random on the keys ( Esc, F1, F2, Ctrl, Alt) Many times, until you get a popup error message, push Ok and choice Charger3 and then Always...Then Ok.

Now you get access to the Desktop and can then go to
- Settings ,Backup & reset- Factory data reset. ( Make that quickly!! you have only a few seconds...

If you want to upload Apps:
Settings - About - push 7 times to Kernel version.
Settings - Developer options, and make sure USB debugging is On.
Settings - Security - Unknown sources is On.

Use ADB Android Debugging Bridge.
$adb start-server
$adb connect HOST_IP:5555
$adb push App_Name.apk /sdcard/
Then you can install from the desktop.

Hilbi@ne said...

Charger3 is Launcher3 and Settings - About - push 7 times to Build number.

mistahke said...

It is quite EASY to RESTORE it. Just press then RESET button and keep pressing RECOVER after. The device will come to recovery menu. If you have the keyboard connected you can move up down and use enter without the need to any soldering and resistors.

Andrew Lee said...

It's very Appreciated Blog Post. epos printers Thanks for sharing this is useful information.

Bob said...


1. Open printer.

Here you you will see a reset button with a grey cover. This also holds the SIM card.

2. Unscrew cover (2 screws)

3. Plug keyboard in to usb.

4. Press reset then hold down recover until recover menu appears.

5. Press factory reset!
