Saturday 30 March 2019

IR Remote Control Pop Tin Car

IR Remote Control Pop Tin Car

When I was at school I remember building something like this...

Two cans suspended on a frame driven by a motor and a rubber band.  The kids like making stuff and
drilling holes in wood, so we made this one weekend.  It didn't survive long because once its trundled underneath the sofa and distractions happen, the batterys go flat quickly driving into a stalled motor.  So, more for my enjoyment, I added remote control using an old IR remote.

Now it can go in TWO whole directions, forwards and back under control of the IR Remote.
It also shuts down into low power mode after some time of inactivity.

Schematic of IR Receiver and Motor driver.

The motor is driven by an H Bridge with the load in the collector of the transistors to minimise volt drop.  Each of the H bridge transistors is controlled by the ATtiny44 microcontroller.  The micro and the bridge must be powered from the same supply as there is no level shifting done.

This was built out of junk I had in the box so the power supply to the IR receivier isn't ideal.  The receiver I had shut down below about 4.5V, so to make the most of the battery, the supply is doubled and regulated back down to 5V via that LDO regulator.

Here it is in full action....

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