Monday, 24 October 2016

USB STK500 AVR Programmer

So, I had one of these AVRISPMk2's for programming AVR's


It was very good.. I was using Atmel Studio 6.  For some reason I upgraded to Studio 7.  I then wasted an entire day messing with various drivers trying to get it working again.  I eventually got everything going again and connected the project I was working on to a 24V power supply, blowing the programmer completely.

I have a working PICkit3 and some PIC16F1455's, so I built a replacement programmer using these parts.  It pops up in windows as a com port and emulates an STK500.  No driver issues there.
The code is based upon a project found here AVR Programmer which I ported over to the PIC and added the necessary code to drive the USB.  As you can see from the below schematic, there isn't much in there.

I have done a PCB and ordered a few in EasyEDA.  The sourcecode can be downloaded here...

Picture of pcb

I can now program my AVR's again :) and if I blow the programmer up, its cheap enough to replace.