The circuit looks like...
I wanted to draw that up quick, so I used EasyEDA. It was the first time I used it and was very impressed. The transistors I built with were BCW66G's although any small signal transistor should work.
For the thing to oscillate requires an odd number of stages. I built 7 stages. Maybe someone will build more :)
Ok, so now I added this..
To switch it on when it goes dark. The seven stage 'led thing' draws about 6mA when on. When powered by the dark switch, I couldn't measure current draw (below 1uA) while in a lit room. The LED used in the switch was a clear red led out the junk. When light the LED passes enough current to switch Q1 on enough to pull the gate of M1 low. When dark R1 charges M1 gate up and switches on the upper circuit.